Where will the workshop be held? Four places and a map
The Workshop will be held in four different places, very close to each other.
The morning-session on Monday will be held in Liefmannhaus.
The lectures and the official opening of the workshop on Monday will be held in "Haus zur Lieben Hand".
The morning-sessions from Tuesday to Thursday will be held in Liefmannhaus.
The evening lectures from Tuesday to Thursday will be held in Haus zur Lieben Hand (*last minute change, please ignore the printed program on that point).
The key-note lecture on Wednesday will be held in Kollegium-Gebäude I, Hörsaal 1199.
The morning-sessions and the lectures on Friday and Saturday will be held in the seminar-room of "Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies" (FRIAS).
Liefmannhaus Goethestr. 33 79100 Freiburg | Haus zur Lieben Hand Löwenstr. 16 79098 Freiburg | FRIAS Albertr. 19 79104 Freiburg | Kollegiumgebäude I HS 1199 Platz der Universität 3 79098 Freiburg |
Workshop "Commenting Fragments", Freiburg, 2-7 July 2012 auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen