Digital Classics: Methods, Scholarly Communication and Genres of Scholarly Production
Was |
Wann |
23.07.2015 09:00
bis 25.07.2015 16:00 |
Wo | Liefmann-Haus, Goethestraße 33/3 79100, Freiburg |
Name | Stylianos Chronopoulos |
Termin übernehmen |
vCal iCal |
A workshop of the Project “Texte Messen -- Messungen Interpretieren”
Freiburg, July 23–25, 2015
Thursday 23 July
10:00--11:00 Michaela Rücker – Stelios Chronopoulos: Introduction
11:00--12:00 Dániel Kiss: “Developing Digital Critical Editions: Two Reflections on Media Change in the Humanities”
12:00--13:45 lunch break
13:45--14:45: Thomas Köntges – Stefan Tilg: “Petronius’ Satyrica and Computer-Supported Methods for Traditional Text-Criticism”
14:45--15:45 Federico Aurora – Artemis Karnava: “DĀMOS: An Annotated Database of Mycenaean Greek (Linear B) Inscriptions at the University of Oslo, Norway” [data, metadata]
15:45--16:00 pause
16:00--17:00 Alexandra Trachsel – Monica Berti: “Digital Editions of Fragmentary Texts” [data, metadata]
18:00--20:00 Gregory Crane: “Greek and Latin are not enough: Europe, World Literature and Digital Philology", plenary talk in KG I, HS 1016
Friday 24 July
9:00--10:00 Michaela Rücker – Stelios Chronopoulos: “New Methods in the Humanities: TextMining in Ancient Greek Corpora” [data, metadata]
10:00--11:00 Anna Novokhatko – Matt Munson: “Philological Vocabulary before Plato: Semantic Networks and Digital Approaches” [data, linked data]
11:00--11:30 Pause
11:30--12:30 Eleni Bozia – Nikolaos Papazarkadas: “Assessing the Role of Digital Epigraphy in Epigraphic Studies”
12:30--14:30 lunch break
14:30--15:30 Giuseppe Celano – Stelios Chronopoulos: “Searching through Syntactical Patterns: Treebanking and Machine Readable Linguistic Annotation” [data, metadata]
15:30--16:00 pause
16:00--17:00 Christian Orth – Francesco Mambrini: “Digital Perspectives for a Commentary on Comic Fragments” [data, metadata, linked data]
18:00--20:00 Reinhard Förtsch - Francesco Mambrini (DAI): “The iDAI.vocab: Terminological Services in the”, plenary talk in KG I, HS 1016
Saturday 25 July
9:00--10:00 Felix Maier – Michael Zerjadtke: “Discourse Search within Ancient Texts: The Example of ‘Violence’” [discourse analysis, data, linked data]
10:00-10:15 pause
10:15-11:15 Christian Mann – Leif Isaksen: “Athletes and Spaces in the Hellenistic world” (discourse analysis combining several sources/materials [linked data])
11:15--11:30 pause
11:30--12:30 final discussion
13:00--open excursion in the Black Forest
If you would like to attend the workshop, please send an informal email to Stylianos Chronopoulos:
The project “Texte Messen – Messungen Intepretieren” ( is part of the WIN-Kolleg “Messen und Verstehen der Welt durch die Wissenschaft”, organized and supported by the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften ( /forschung/
The project includes 2 workshops (2015 and 2016) and a final congress (2017). The first workshop will be held from the 23rd to the 25th of July 2015. It focuses on the relationship between digital humanities and classics.
The workshop has 3 major aims:
- To foster interaction between classical scholars without digital-humanities experience and scholars with experience in the creation and use of texts in digital media and of digital tools.
- To present diverse types of digital editions and tools and discuss their advantages and disadvantages; to debate new possibilities these offer in comparison to similar non-digital products; to understand the methodological premises and concepts on which these editions and tools are based; to appreciate their limitations; and to evaluate the consequences that the use of such digital products may have for research methods.
- To examine projects that do not involve digital tools or editions from the point of view of digital humanities. An attempt will therefore be made to increase awareness of the peculiarities that characterise already existing genres of scholarship and of the methodologies used in classics, thus contributing to the emergence of new or modified genres.